– A Few Samples of my Work –
Self-Portrait. Woodcut.
“Sleeping”. Woodcut.
“Moment of Weakness”. Intaglio Print.
“Sacred Geometry”. Acrylic on Canvas board
“Committed”. Lithograph Print
“Isometric Garden”. Ebony Pencil.
“Pre-Show Jitters”. Woodcut Print on Photocopy
“Cool Manikin”. Oil Pastel
“Desperate Times”. Ebony Pencil.
“Nude with Work Boots?: The drawing studio needs new props”. Ink Wash and Charcoal.
“Figure Study”. Conté Crayon.
“Figure Study”. Charcoal.
“Self-Portrait”. Mixed Medium Senior Final Project
“Miles to Go Before I Sleep”. Shibori ink on Cotton, Wood
“Weaving Illusion”. Cotton and Wool Tapestry
“Pinch Pot Plus”. Ceramic
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